Saturday, September 4, 2010

Rant: Nonsensical blogs

Okay, here's the thing.

I'm bored, I have nothing to do (thumbing through 350 pages on chromosomes and human innards isn't something to do), I'm out of good music to listen to and I just got ditched by Leow on MSN.

Oh, and its half past one in the morning.

The good life, they call it.

So I was blog-hopping, flicking through the lives of random people.

And there's this problem, this thing that really pisses me off.

There are a few people, teens actually, who love using bombastically extraterrestrial english words in their non-coherent sentences.

This morning is horrendous. I met this indespicable guys, honestly speaking he is an total retard a**hole. no offenses to anybody but if i had second chance i would have given him a humongous pieces of my mind.


In my very unprofessional and nobody-wants-to-hear-it opinion, it just makes your posts (and indirectly, you) look very immature. Even manglish (malaysian english/mangled english) looks better.

If you can't fit your words properly, don't you know its not a crime to use simple english?

Well, its not a sin to blog that way either.

Its just annoying to see all those words that shouldn't exist in the natural conversational world fitted into nonsensical sentences.

No offence to anybody. Its not your problem, its mine. I'm pretty sure its not you that enjoys blogging in that retarded fashion.

Its just me who doesn't like reading that kind of blogs.

So if any one of those bloggers see this, just know that its not meant to insult you. Its just a thing I can't stand. Its a free world. You can blog however you want. I can get annoyed however I want.

End of rant.

P.S. Leow didn't ditch me after all. Her retarded modem cut her off. We should really sabotage Streamyx one day. It malfunctions every 20 seconds anyway. Just kill it for good and save it the embarrassment.



(I've been camwhoring alot lately. =O)

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