Thursday, September 2, 2010

Facebook is BAD FOR HEALTH.

Long time no blog, bloggie. =D

I don't really have the inclination to blog anymore. But here's a couple of things worth mentioning.

Saturday, Pavilion/Sungei Wang/KL Baptist Church:
Hung out with Kelly at Pavilion/Sungei Wang. Caught up on latest gossip. Had too much time to squander before the concert, so we went to...MPH.

Kelly: Nerds like us have to stick together. =)

Yeah! Hear, hear!

The ADORE concert was awesome! People who didn't go don't know what they're missing. I thought only Nav was coming with us. Turns out half the youth at my church went too.

Strange, half the guys there look vaguely familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen them before.

Tuesday, Times Square:
I went shopping with Leow and Kai.

Or rather, Leow and I went shopping with Kai.

That fella can really shop (he bought the most stuff). =.=" His RM125 to my RM58. Hah, I've got nothing on him.

I have officially entered every fashion shop in Times Square.

2 girls + 1 guy + shopping should = disaster. In fact, I actually thought the outing was gonna be a fluke. 3 people with 4 hours to kill. Bo-ring. I would have backed out, except that you don't back out after saying yes to Leow unless you have a death wish.

I'm just kidding, love.

Haha, but it was really fun. Exceeded all expectations. 4.5 out of 5 stars rating. (-0.5 because I didn't get half the things I wanted to)

There were 2 shops we should have gone into...but we didn't. Regretting now. This is PG16 (haha XD) rated information, so if you really can't mind your own business, please contact Leow for more info at...whatever her phone number is.

Okay fine, I'll give you a clue.
1. Guys should have no reason to be in the first shop.
2. Kids should have no reason to be in the second.

Hah, work THAT out.

Memorable moment:
While looking for guy jackets, we saw this headless mannequin that was wearing a really masculine-bad-boy-biker-jacket...with very-obvious-female-jeans.

Vicki: Oi Kai, cool jacket.
Leow: Its for a girl... =.="
Vicki: Are you sure?
Leow: Duh, look at the pants.
Vicki: How would I doesn't have a head...and the jacket looks so... O.O
Leow: Its a girl lar!
Kai: *Gropes the mannequin* Its a girl.
Leow: Hahaha, oh, haha, hahahahaha, he groped the mannequin! He groped the mannequin! Oh, hahaha!

Those two are the picture of epic-ness.


What a long...tale? Rant? Post?

Peace out.


P.S. English is officially my favourite period. We watched Ghost for the last 4 periods. Our teacher rocks.

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