Monday, January 31, 2011

I could really use a wish right now

Haha, today was an extremely interesting day.

First, shopping with my dearest Leowlipop. =)

Love this pic.

Our legs look like sticks. =O

Smile, my dear, 'cuz who knows when's the next time?

This girl has 3 pairs of blue shorts and she's buying her 4th pair.

Why would anyone need 4 pairs of blue shorts?

Left: Retard
Right: Midget
Haha, for non-4C2010 students, it means Tan and me.

Then, having sushi with Kai. Lol, everytime the 3 of us go out, we go for sushi. Its tradition already. XD

Waiting for Kai to make an appearance so we can order sushi!!! =O

Darn hungry. Camwhoring distracts from hunger. =D

So hungry T_T

Gulp, gulp, green tea.


Sorry, peeps! Forgot to switch off the flash. But I still like this pic.

Hehehe, and then we saw Siew Yan & Hazman outside Sushi King... dating. Mwahaha, managed to intercept them before Siew Yan could run. So they ended up eating with us also.

Siew Yan's darling boyfriend. XD

This girl refused to take a picture with me. =(

Haha, guess who's peace sign that is?

Best picture ever, seriously.

Gotta hang out with style.

Then Leow ditched me with style.

As in leaving without saying goodbye. Very funny, Lipop.

And then...

Hehe, home studio?

I wish.

Oh yeah, you're right. You're really not photogenic. =P

But its okay lar.

It breaks my heart to watch you holding my darling guitar. =(

I just realised last year's holidays was the 1st time the 4 of us didn't jam in 4 years.

I miss jamming with you guys.

Hehehe, someone's turning into an extremely good singer. Darn it, I gotta up my level already.


P.S. I'm thoroughly obsessed with Airplanes. I could use a dream or a genie or a wish... argh, seriously, get out of my head.

P.P.S. I finally found that perfect balance. Now the problem is maintaining it. Go figure.

P.P.P.S. I don't wanna lose you like I lost the rest. Please, please, don't let me go and I promise you I'll never let you down the way the others did.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'll never be that person, I promise.

Yesterday's party rocked.


Because we skipped most of it and ended up ice-creaming at Fahrenheit. Bought a family size (4 scoops) Italian chocolate and then Ashley decided it wasn't enough so she bought another double scoop. Same flavour. The poor guy looked at us like we were crazy.

Nicole: Umm...another double scoop Chocolate Italy please.

Ice-cream fella: O.O

Vicki: *waves* Double scoop chocolate...?

Ice-cream fella: O.O

Ashley: Oi.. *points towards ice-cream*

Ice-cream fella: OH.

He just couldn't stop staring. It was freaky.

And then we hopped back to my house to write and record a new song.

And then at the end of the party (after the birthday cake, but who cares right, we had ice cream), we finally showed up again.

We rock.

 Yep, we definitely rocked it out yesterday.

The wonderful effects of ******

See my darling in the background. =D

Love the thing on my head. Its like my new favourite...thing.

Goodnight, peeps.

P.S. I'm gonna watch Paranormal Activity 2 tonight at midnight with lights off. Who wants to teman me? XD

Saturday, January 29, 2011

IU Day Auditions.

I'm not as good as you think I am, but thanks for the vote of confidence.

FYI, our audition was kinda screwed up.

But I still kinda can't wait for the results.

I hate suspense.

I really do.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I know what you're thinking.

You think Vicki is extremely happy and enjoying herself very much because of those reasons.

Its not like that.

Well, not entirely like that.

I am enjoying myself, but its the music that makes me happy, not those reasons.

There are some people whom you admire from afar.

But then, once you get to know them, you realise they are just... like any other normal person.

And he's just like that. Definitely knows what he's doing and extremely easy to talk to. That's all that is to me.  The rest just kinda faded... died...whatever.

So if you're wondering why my face was beetroot red today, I have no idea why. Seriously. But its definitely not because of that.

Okay, I'm gonna go freak out on English oral.

Bye peeps.



Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pet peeves

Yay, finally a hate post.

Its not even a month into the new year yet and I've already been subconsciously making mental lists of little (and some not so little) things that annoy me to no end. Wow, Vicki, your life must really suck at the moment.

So here goes.

No. 1 - Chat speak.  
I've hated chat speak, I hate chat speak and I have a feeling I'll always hate chat speak.
Seriously, short forms are fine, but wen ppl start 2 type lyk tis i jz wan 2 wack d hell outta dem. Lyk srsly, dun tel me tis is not annoyin. I can't even do it properly, 'cause I'm so out of practice. (Yes, once upon a time, back when I was younger and stupid, I used 2 type lyk tis.)

It just huffs me up alot.

No. 2 - Jumping to conclusions.
Don't judge a book until you've read the entire story.
Don't express your opinion until you're certain that there are people who would want to listen.
Don't try to correct someone unless you're sure they are wrong and you are right.
Don't talk so much about things you're ignorant about.
Don't presume/assume, for it brings chaos. (or something like that, I don't remember the actual quote.) Very dramatic btw, Ben.
Its just so annoying when people assume things about you and you can't correct them because you'll just look silly or petty OR worse still, defensive. And then nobody will believe you if they think you're being defensive.
And don't tell me that I shouldn't care about what other people think, because (to a certain extent) why shouldn't I?
If I want to not care, I'd just go live as a hermit. Duhh.

No. 3 - People saying "No offence, but..."
Because then you can be sure that they're gonna say something that WILL offend you. And when they trail off after the "but...", may I know what I'm suppose to say?

"Oh, just say it, I won't be offended."  Which is an outright lie, because I most probably will be.

"No worries, I'm not that kind of person to take offence so easily..." Actually, I am. I'm ultra sensitive, people. And I also happen to be a typical Cancerian. (To connect the dots, read up on Cancer)

"Thanks for the two second warning before you offend me." If only I could say this without offending that person.

I know they're just trying to be polite. But seriously, it doesn't make things less offending. It makes things about 2 seconds more offending.

No. 4 - People disturbing me while I'm reading
Okay, this is not your problem. Its mine. I just have this ridiculously bad habit of submerging myself so completely in a story that I really hate it when people disturb me. Especially when random strangers disturb me for random stuff that is totally unimportant to either of us. I'm sure it shows up on my face too. Like I said, its more of my bad habit problem though.

But its still darn irritating.

No. 5 - Being friends with you.
Nobody likes being stepped on, put down, kicked at or outright pushed around.

And I really happen to loathe it when a certain someone has to step on me so he/she can tread water.
When that certain someone has to put me down, so that he/she can appear to be better.
When that certain someone has to push me around, because I'm not the type to confront people. Yes, I'm a coward. I stand up for myself a lot less than I should and a lot of people take advantage of that. Especially YOU. I'm really a true Cancerian. Just my luck. Why can't I be a Leo or something? Leos don't let people push them around. They roar back. Literally.

Don't you just hate it when you have to be friends with someone you don't want to be friends with because you just have no choice?

When people lock their door, it means they need a little bit more than a little privacy.

It means that by the law of manners, you're NOT allowed to take the spare key and just unlock the door and enter.

When people lock, it means they NEED you to knock. Very desperately, in my case. Because solo songwriting is such a private affair to me, the idea of someone sweeping into the room, ignoring the locked door, is just pure annoyance.

Like, why don't I just give you my diary instead, okay?

Parents think they know everything about their child. Truth is, they only spend about 12 hours a day with them, and most of that is sleep time. So they really have no idea.

So. Tada. The few things that have been haunting me everyday since I stumbled head first into 2011. There's a lot more of that where it came from. I just don't remember most of it. Its the brain problem, its always the brain problem.

Okay so right now people are thinking I'm this angry spirit induced lunatic who's just pissed off at the world and miffed up at life in general.

I'm not.

Really, just believe me instead of jumping to your own conclusions.

In fact, I'm happier than I've been in a while. All of the above are just mild irritants (except for the barging-in-room). They make me roll my eyes so much my eyeballs are like spinning globes and they annoy me to the limits, but they don't make me...angry. That's another story. But life at the moment is too good for me to be angry at stuff.

So right now people are gonna think I'm crazy 'cause I can actually stay happy during form 5 life.

Yeah, and on it goes.


P.S. Oh, remember that thing I mentioned before? About people attempting to blog with smart-ass-intended english, but screwing up every language rule and generally making a fool of themselves?

I was visiting a couple of such blogs yesterday.

And it seriously just made me roll my eyes. Over and over again. Get the hint...Leow? Over again. And again. And again.

So annoying.

P.P.S. I'm not perfect, you know? (Damn well you know.) So if case you're labelling me hypocrite at this very moment, just know that at one point or another, I have done all of the things above.

Used chat speak, jumped to conclusions, annoyed someone (lots of someones), used the "no offence" phrase, barged into someone's room uninvited, backstabbed a friend.

Yes, I've done more than my fair share of those.

That's why, in a way, I kinda annoy myself too.

P.P.P.S. In the past 60 hours, I have slept a grand total of... 9 hours.

No naps.

Sometimes I swear my body manufactures caffeine.

From the inside out...

Vicki, why don't you just go home and beat yourself up?

'Cause you bloody deserve it.

Its a test, its a test. Its always a test.

Don't lose it, don't blow it, don't... fail.


I miss the brutal honesty and blatant remarks that used to come from this blog.


I miss the sunshine on my face.


I hate heartburn. One attack leaves you crippled on the floor clutching your chest; breathing, but hurting.


I got to get it in order. I've got to rein it in before I lose control. I need to get it in the order it used to be. I need to do it again...


I need to stop muttering on my blog. Its making me out to be a lunatic.

But I'm still quite sane though.

I think.

P.S. ....Oh, my soul cries out.

P.P.S. Dear God, can You please make my chemistry homework answers miraculously appear on my book?

P.P.P.S. Okay, You won't. I'll just go do it now then.

P.P.P.P.S. I know its somewhere out there. I just need to find it. I just need

Note to self: Stop muttering on blog.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

You STILL owe me a Christmas present, seaweed brains.

Good luck tomorrow, sleepyhead!

Don't screw up. =)

Can we pretend that-

Mum: Heehee, so I saw the SMS that *insert you-know-who's name* sent you.

Vicki: Shutup...

Mum: How do you feel? =)

Vicki: Hmph, go away...

Ahhhh noooo, she's turning into another Christie/Pauline/Kelly!

I'm gonna have a stroke if this keeps up! =O

Help. Squeak.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Being an idiot.

I am swamped with homework.

Like omg-please-help-me-ahhh-nooo-not-again-what-you-mean-by-you're-gonna-nooo-saaave-me kind of swamped.

And I was so happy because today I finally finished my English essay. Spent about an hour compiling the different parts (it was group work).

And it actually was some quality work.

And then.

Thanks to the lack of brain cells.


I stupidly deleted the whole file.

Way to go, Vicki!

So I had to type out the whole thing again and of course it wasn't as good as the previous one.

And that just really irks me. Not because I fussy about the perfection of my essays. (I mean, I am fussy, but to a certain point.)


Okay, I'm gonna stop before I sound like a complete ass.

So huffed up.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Unscrew the, don't.

Oh, this is so overdue!

I am in an all girls class!


First form 2, then form 3, then now form 5!

My last year!


Just because there's an exclaimation mark there doesn't mean its a happy yay!

I was being sarcastic, in case you couldn't tell!

And the exclaimation marks are because I'm so mad right now thinking about 5B that if I stop (virtual) yelling I might just implode!

I think I might just anyway!

Seriously, if I wanted to be in an all girls class for 3 years out of 5 in high school, I'd just move to SMK Pudu Perempuan (or Perempuan Pudu...yah, whatever it is)!



P.S. I'm signing myself up for homeschool tomorrow, hmph. Screw that school!

P.P.S. If God's trying to teach me a lesson, it might take a while to get through my thick and currently angry brain.

P.P.P.S. Terribly Nice, you're really terrible at telling old jokes. =)  Can CNY come faster so that we can have our sushi date? XD  Ahhh...hungry...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Let go and let God.

I was suddenly inspired to blog now at a very unconventional time after reading a terribly nice person's onsugar blog.

So, what have I been up to the past month, where my blogging has been more or less nonexistent?

Well, more people keep up with my facebook page than my blog, so I'm not even gonna bother blogging about that.



Everyone's been 2011-ing everywhere. Blogs, facebook, twitter, facebook, especially facebook.

Well, its just another year?

I can already imagine what's gonna happen.

We go through 2011, reach 2012, look back on 2011, wonder how we got to 2012, wish we made better use of the time in 2011 and never admit it but secretly wish 2012 hadn't arrived so fast.

That's exactly how I felt about 2010/2011. And I have a feeling I'll be feeling it next year...again.

But I really, really, really don't want to.

So there's only one very simple thing I'm gonna do this year to prevent that.

And that is.....

.....I don't feel like telling you here. If you really wanna know, ask me in private....personally.

I'm in one of those grey-ish, violet-ish moods. Translation: not in my right mind, definitely not thinking clearly and should not be held liable for anything I say here.

Like seriously, I"m thinking of pink clouds now. Pink clouds. That says a LOT about my current sanity status.

Okay I'm gonna sign off before I say something I really regret later on when my aura's shining clear blue.

But before that, the P.S.'s. The P.S.'s are always the most important ones. Never forget the P.S.'s. They are the maksud tersirat in a blog post. The P.S.'s and the title.

Nevermind me. Blame the grey-violet aura.


P.S. I know everyone's getting sick of me blabbering about my vacation everywhere, facebook and in school, but I really, really can't resist. I really, really, do NOT like snow. I mean, there's a reason why I'm born in July. Definitely a summer baby. Whatever factory made me forgot to put this on my forehead: Made in Malaysia. Suitable for hot weather only. Do not leave unattended in rain or snow.

P.P.S. If you really think I don't care, then I've succeeded and you got fooled.

P.P.P.S. You hated me. You hate me. You talk behind people's back. You backstab without a second thought from friend to friend. But despite that, we still once were...I don't know what to call it. Friends? Yeah, definitely, I think. But I guess neither of us are willing to give each other second chances. So since we're probably never gonna say another word to each other, I truly apologise for all the selfish decisions I made without thinking about your feelings and sincerely wish you well this year. I don't miss you, and I certainly don't want to, but I don't regret our now once-upon-a-time friendship.

P.P.P.P.S. A good liar is someone whom people think is bad at lying.

P.P.P.P.P.S. So many false alarms, I lost count. But I know what you mean to me now. And I was wrong when I said it didn't matter. Because it did. It hurt because it mattered. And I wasn't too late. It was never too late. Because the problem was never me. The problem was you. You just couldn't. Because I'm not... her. I finally understand. And although that doesn't change a single thing at all, its okay. Because now I can move on with life without the thought of you burning through the back of my mind like canvas on fire. That's why I can say I finally understand what it means to love somebody.

And for your info, in case people are as crazy as me, I am NOT referring to buku tunai. He's history. But he's still extremely good looking, yeah. XD Its just too bad the infatuation distraction didn't last, sigh.

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Seriously, I'm not in the right state of mind now.

P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. The title of this post is not by me. I heard it from someone a long time ago. I don't remember who though. If anyone remembers or knows, please tell me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Seven Wonders Of The Ancient World...please?

1. Great Pyramid of Giza
Location: Giza Necropolis, Egypt
Still in existence

2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Location: Iraq
Cause of destruction: Earthquake

3. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Location: Turkey
Cause of destruction: Arson & plundering

4. Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Location: Olympia, Greece
Cause of destruction: Fire

5. Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
Location: Turkey
Cause of destruction: Flood, earthquake & eventual disassemblement

6. Colossus of Rhodes
Location: Rhodes, Greece
Cause of destruction: Earthquake

7. Lighthouse of Alexandria
Location: Alexandria, Egypt
Cause of destruction: Earthquake

Ahh, I know this sounds insane, but I really, really wanna visit these places before I'm...21. Although that's pretty impossible unless I happen to win a lottery or rob a bank...which is also, well, unlikely.

But still, I just wish I could.