Everybody's Gonna Miss You is a song I composed with Pauline for Mr Navian when he left SBS. Anyway, lately I've been tampering a lot with it, editing and reformatting until its almost, well, unrecognisable. And I'm dying to play it with a full band, instead of always acoustic piano. Reason is because the format for acoustic and original pop is DIFFERENT.
I seriously wanna cook up a temporary band fast fast fast for that song. Better still, lets record it...home studio...who has that program??
........i'm getting carried away...
But I'm really serious...I wanna play full band that song. Lemme stalk Ben.
I had a fun time in church today (even though I was nearly late twice for worship and Mr-Trying-To-Change-His-Attitude gave me this "shake head" kinda look) (Navian was wearing his hot red shirt) (My mum was game master HAHAHA) and Jessica gave me tips on the concept of Geography along with a lot of "Oh, its easy! very easy!" Okok, if I get A for Geo, then I'll admit its easy.
Signing off,
P.S. Congrats Pearly! Keep up the great work and never stop believing in yourself!
HAHA! Me feeling like it too! Actually! Since a long time ago! Too bad, you know....haha, such a waste!
Hey Vicki, can i also join you guys to play that song? please... Don't don't allow me to join you guys and play just because it's my farewell song. I WANNA JAM WITH YOU GUYS!!! I REALLY MISS JAMMING!!! CALL ME ANYTIME TO JAM I'LL BE THERE!!
Girl, you should seriously update your blog! Because I wanna read. xP
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