Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Feel like posting

I guess this is gonna be a random post. Firstly, daddy and mummy's gonna ban me from church soon...they said I'm spending too much time there and not practicing enough piano/studying. Yay. I sound so enthusiastic. I haven't been to church for the past..2 weeks. Feels bad.

Secondly, I'm in love with Demi Lovato's new singles, Get Back ....

I wanna get back to the old days
When the phone would ring
And I knew it was you

...and also Don't Forget

Somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it.
At all.

Deemmiiiii Lovvattttoo!

Thirdly, someone asked me if I'm interested to play keyboard/backing vocals for a band, who does acoustic performances for weddings. Wheeeeeeee... I AM SO INTERESTED (At last I can ditch my one hell of an inactive band...jkjk, chill Pearly, I'm joking. I'd never ditch you guys.).

But obviously...I'm gonna have to fix up my piano, get in tune with my Geography, and get my ass back in church before I consider anything else.

~Smartee ....plans to study hard and win the bet she made with Pearly and Ben. Remember, my dears, free lunch?

85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Andrew Cheong said...

Hi Vicki, I've created my very own blog. My blog web link: http://andrewcheong-warez.blogspot.com
Do have a look at my blog!

Andrew Cheong said...

LOL... Hope your parents won't ban you from church... God bless!

EdRyAnNe's sToRy said...

smartee pants~miss u too~
faster come back. =(