Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Theoretical science

Why don't we learn anything useful in chemistry?
Like how to create a concoction that cures acne or how to create a bomb?

Or why don't we learn how to increase one's speed of movement in physics?

Or better still, why don't we learn how to be immortal in biology???

All of the above are wisdom thoughts from Mr. Agony and is fully copyrighted and may not be distributed without prior permission.  Its just too good, I have to post it. (Dude, I know you're enjoying this.)

The acne cure's a good one. I need something that works better than benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

Okay, I'm off. Here's a random pic.

Greeny, with some dumb koala intruding.

Tata. Peace. Tweets.

1 comment:

... said...

Grammatical error in Mr Agony's quote T_T

The koala makes the picture worthwhile.