Sunday, October 17, 2010

I owe you an apology, not an explanation.

If it were ten years ago, this is what I would say.

"Go away la, I don't wanna friend you already lar!"

Unfortunately, I can't turn back time. And I don't know if people realise, but the older you get, the harder it is to say it.
But just so you know, I'm so through with you.

I walk in the room and you ignore me
Turn your back towards me so obviously
I sit in your circle, you go silent so sudden
It made me wonder what's wrong with me

What did I say/do to upset you
I hate you when you're in that mood
The clock swings round from nine to five
I hate the way I hate goodbyes

You meant me, I know you did
You offend me and I forgave you
But it always comes back in my face

If you wanna play for the hell of it
I'd do it, I believe I could win in the end
If I wanted to, I could turn all of them against you
They'd hate you even if you play innocent

Sweetheart, I timed myself while writing that. It took 3 minutes and 41 seconds. That's how inspiring you are.

Yeah baby, maybe I'm overeacting (as usual), but you hurt enough for me to put you down in a song. But I swear, this is the first and last for you, because after this, you just won't be important enough.

Peace out. Tweets.

P.S. Knowing and understanding = 2 different things.

I know what I said/did wrong to piss you off. But I don't understand why it pissed you off.

Or maybe I just don't want to. Hmm. I really do overthink stuff.

P.P.S. Physics is faulty, because in theory, my brain should have exploded by now.

P.P.P.S. Haha, if you think all of the above is for you, its not. Its for someone else. Don't be so perasan. =)

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