Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You don't really know who I am

Dead tired.

Lately, I've been sleeping...everywhere. In the car, on my study table while doing homework, on the bed (obviously), on the dining table, on my piano keys, in the cinema while watching Avatar.

Sometimes I wish I didn't waste all these years. If I hadn't, then at the very least I could reduce my 500 billion regrets to a lesser number.

Its getting harder and harder to juggle the 3 most important things in my life: school work, music stuff, keeping sane.

You guys won't even believe how much time my music "stuff" takes up. People just think "Oh yeah, she's the band geek, obssessed with music. That's why everything else about her sucks."

Its actually much more than that.

And nobody actually believes this, but I think the words like "band" and "music" are really, really annoying.


P.S. Finally.

You never let the past interfere with your future dreams~
You don't know where you're going to from here but you know its not with me~
And guess what? I'm starting not to care. What I've wished for all along is already starting to happen. Way to go, Vicki.

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