What do you do when you have PROBLEMS like
1. Peer pressure
2. Family problems
3. Failure in studies
4. Success that burdens you with...
...more peer pressure (5)
6. a brother who is not close to you
7. a sister who is 3000 miles away
8. peer pressure
9. peer pressure
10. a stupid private blog which is exactly what it is: a stupid private blog. No pun intended. Seriously.
My main current difficulties are 1, 4, 5, 8 and 9. The story is basically simple.
So-so wants me to be constantly with her while so-and-so wants me to talk to her while two other so-so's talk about me behind my back because i ignore them having to deal with so-so and so-and-so. then all of a sudden, both so-so and so-and-so ditches me then i'm left alone (which i honestly don't mind, for a change) but then somebody comes and talks non stop about boys to me, irritating me all the way to heaven and hell, then halfway through, so-so decides she wants my attention so she pesters me until she has my 100% undivided attention BUT THEN when i say hi to so-and-so, she sulks and ignores me with the excuse that i have been ignoring her while i was talking to so-so. I honestly enjoy talking to the other two so-so's but most of the time I don't get the chance to.
*so-so and so-and-so are two different people.
*the other so-so's are two different people from so-so and I'll name them so-so 1 and so-so 2.
*somebody is also a person
*all in there are five people i mentioned.
*the story above refers to problem number 1, 8 and 9.
Out of those five people, three of them talks about so-so 1 behind her back, complaining, gossiping, blah-blahing.
Out of those five people, four of them dislikes so-so at certain times. really dislike. In fact, I'm one of the few that try to stand up for her. I'm not putting myself high up, just stating a fact.
Out of those five people, i realise that somebody barely has friends at all, and we barely have anything in common, which is why she blabs nonstop about boys to me, and nothing else.
Out of those five people, one has family problems alike mine, another has peer pressure alike me, one has romance problems, unlike me (...what?), one has the entire world against her, quite unlike me (hopefully), and the last has...nearly the whole world against her.
Please. What do I do with my five favourite friends. And that was a statement, not a question. But i don't mind you treating it as a question. Post answers in the comments.
Now, lets move on to problem 4 and 5.
She's jealous. I know it. Its obvious. Why? ...because she shows it. But I don't blame her, honestly. I feel that everytime she's with me, she tries to accentuate her good points, as though shoving them in my face. she'll try to show everyone around us that she's good, she can do stuff. I had...and have a decent amount of success, particularly in the music field, considering my age and living environment. And i'm truly thankful, grateful and happy about that. What I can't help being saddened by is my peers. Most of them honestly support me to the best they can. But some are jealous, and though they...she, in particular...are happy for me, they show obvious jealousy. Which is directed to me. Which makes me very unhappy. I don't think i'm the type of person who tries to boast and show talent or anything. But some of my friends do, particularly when in the presence of adults such as teachers.
They do not show of directly, but indirectly make a snide remarks here and there about me, and a praising remark about themselves. I...do not approve or like it of course, but i understand why they do so. Not that it stops them from hurting me.
Insecurity. Competition.
I feel these are the two main factors. Those who feel insecure about themselves, feeling they are less than expected, and less successful than their peers will tend to try to demonstrate show their upper skills and points, maybe because they know they are not quite good enough YET, but want to be, so they give a big show that they ARE. Second factor: competition...among friends...peers. No one likes to feel as though they are second after their best friend. Need i explain more?
Haih, everyone wants to be the top. But when you are at the top and there's friends...best friends who are jealous of you, its not a nice feeling. Suddenly, whatever success you have feels like a burden to you. So which one is more important to me? Friends? Or success?
Normally a question like that will get a total godly untruthful lame lie, which barely passes as an excuse of an answer.
But in this situation...you're good in singing and piano-ing (yeah i did that on purpose), you won the lousyfornothing school competition, you write decent songs easily, you understand chords and blah blah, you're talented in this that this that and so on so forth. and just cuz a friends jealous, would you give up all that? TRUTHFULLY.
obviously. No. Which bring me back to the first question. Friends or interests/success?
Hehe, my answer is. *drumroll*
Which brings me to my next point. I feel like i've been having a growth spurt spiritually. Imagine that everytime you learn something new about God, you grow one day old. I'm probably a few years old, spiritually...counting it in that way. I...LOVE...god, church and everything in it. Its one of the few things that keeps me from screaming out loud at the end of the day just cuz I had a little blooper with jealousy. And family. Well, nobody's life is perfect as mike and a million other ...TEN MILLION other people say.
And in my imperfect life with perfect dreams, I, the small short tiny 14 year old mousy girl intend to make the best of it. Regardless of ...
1. Peer pressure
2. Family problems
3. WHATEVER THAT DARES TO STAND IN MY WAY....what a unfeminine statement...
Signing off after a long blah on her life,
~Asian Pants Smart.
Hey, Vicki.
Just hang in there, okay ?
God's always there for you and dont forget, I'm also always there for you. Although you may not realise it.
(: smile and cheer up. How bout a cookie ? :P
I'd do anything to make you feel better (;
Am I one of the so-so? Sort of sounds like me.
God is always there for us. Remember the holy spirit? I'll pray for you and all the so-so's too.
You'll go through it, just like you always do. =]
Y.K. here
using the class blog cuz i don't have one of my own...
Advise: You're over-worrying yourself
these aren't big problems (except for family problems)
if they always want your attention, perhaps it's because others don't pay enough attention to them (e.g. parents, friends, lovers, HUSBANDS and so on..)
ignore them. or better yet, just invite the load of suckers for a group meeting or something, let everyone discuss how they feel...being the person that everyone wants to be close to isn't always a great thing, perhaps it is that way for you, if it is, good luck.
But I hate to be the center of attention, blending around in the background and showing off only when necessary is my style, having everyone sharing their problems with me puts them on the losing end. for i can't solve people's problems...they've gotta solve them themselves....
After all that, I don't understand what the heck I'm talking about...sheesh...kinda weird how i blab stupid things out when I'm boring myself to death at home...
good luck, you'll need it...
I know who those so-so, so-and-so, the two other so-sos and the somebody are.
A little piece of advice: I think you should try telling them off if they get on your nerves too much. And you worry two much. I'm sure some maybe one, of the so-sos won't mind if you ignore her sometimes. It must be difficult trying to pay attention to all five, isn’t it?
Will always be there for you. =)
Glad to hear about your spiritual growth. Remember that it's not an event, it's a process...
So, keep on growing spiritually as you cultivate the spiritual habits to grow on your own.
Also, you are tagged by me
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