Oh, people out there, my blog fans, my blog FRIENDS, my blog strangers...I AM SO SORRY.
Sorry ...for not posting in such a long time
Sorry ...for ignoring you guys whenever you asked (ahem...demanded) me to update
Sorry ...for being an annoying pesky brat at school
Sorry ...for copying your homework all the time
Sorry ...for always arguing with some friends
Sorry ...for demanding for cookies from other friends..
...well we're getting a little off topic aren't we?
Anyway, reason why I haven't posted in a long time is.
1. I'm too busy with my social life...jk
2. Too busy with lousy school...fact.
3. Too busy with music. Speaking of which, I'm getting obsessed.
4. Trying to get involved with church. Just trying. But that already means my
Friday, Saturday and Sunday semua hilang habis to church.
5. Too busy with myself. I'm like...sinking into my brain. Literally. Day dream too much.
6. The main reason: ...I've been posting alot on my private blog.
So much that I've practically abandoned my public blog. Honestly...private blogs are really cool. On public blogs, you've gotta watch your mouth, or fingers...in this case...in case you say - uh, type - something wrong. But private blogs...literally, you can rant, scream, yell, shout, go crazy, and no one's gonna scold you. Its where you can praise people without other people knowing it. Its where you can confess embarrassing stuff without being laughed at. Um...its where I have conversations with God. Yeah..through my private blog. Weird, i know, but true. So yesh, I really advise you get a private blog.
Its REALLY fun. Especially when you scold the blog. It CAN'T talk back. Bestest thing ever. You can even swear in its face. It'll just listen and listen and won't talk back. Public blogs do...because idiotic people tend to post mean comments when you cuss.
Man...I sound like i'm advertising or something. Well, I'm not. I don't advertise for bloggy things...I only advertise for...well, getting off the topic again. I tend to rant a lot nowsadays. Got influenced by Am.
Yeah...i call Amelia just Am. Its way shorter. But whatever. Off topic again. Back to the topic.
And what's the topic?
Bye you bad blog which spouts my secrets to the whole world, I'm off to chit chat with my private blog, the one that just listens quietly.
Ciao, bye, aur revoir, I won't miss you.